Sunday 13 July 2008

New Horoscope

Date 14 july 2008
The Bottom Line

A foreign person will have a positive influence in your life today -- if you listen.
In Detail

A foreign person will have a very positive influence in your life today, especially if they are a person from your past. What they have to say is going to surprise you, but you should give them the benefit of any doubt. They are reaching out to you, and it is a very good idea for you to reach right back. Exploring a different culture will be fun when they are your guide, and they are eager to show you things that are familiar to them -- take them up on any invitations they extend to you.

The Bottom Line

If you want to get a real adrenaline rush, you have to be prepared to take a risk.
In Detail

Today will bring you a wonderful chance to stir up your normal routine. So if you want to get a real adrenaline rush, you are in luck! The only catch is that in order to feel this rush, you have to be prepared to take a risk -- not a big one, but one you might not be comfortable with. Put yourself into an uncertain situation where you could be rejected or come out with less than you put in. Trust yourself and just see what happens. No matter what the outcome is, you will be better off.

The Bottom Line

Put the last clue in place today, and things will really start moving! Keep it up!
In Detail

Are you feeling overwhelmed by someone or something new in your life? Whether you're overwhelmed in a good way or a bad way, today brings you the chance to get the control you so desperately need. Once you put one last clue into place, things will start to click. You will be able to steer the situation right where you want it to go. Overall, your life is becoming a lot less erratic, and you're experiencing a lot more calm and quiet. Make the most of your free time by relaxing by yourself tonight.

The Bottom Line

Coworkers are also teammates. If you need some extra backup, then let them know.
In Detail

At work, you have to remind yourself that not everything is resting completely on your shoulders -- stop putting so much pressure on yourself, because no one else is. Coworkers are there for a reason. They're not only there to do their job, but to fulfill their roles in the team. So if you need them to step it up a bit, then you should feel free to ask them to. Just do it face-to-face. An email won't convey the right tone, and could ruffle their feathers.

The Bottom Line

Want more romance in your life? Of course you do. Today brings a good opportunity.
In Detail

If you have been trying to start a new romance or are just looking to amp up the romance level in your current relationship, today will give you a wonderful opportunity to do just that! You can create the perfect environment for some sizzling moments, and show a certain someone how much you value them in your life. After all, isn't romance all about making someone realize how special they are? Flirting and flattering is one thing -- being open and vulnerable about how you feel is another.

The Bottom Line

You've been waiting for the right time to take that risk. That time may come today!
In Detail

You have been waiting for the right time to go out on a limb and take that risk, and that time could come today! When you see that the right people are finally opening up their minds and coming around to your way of thinking, today, you should take that as your green light to move full-steam ahead. It's going to feel a bit scary at first, but it is also going to feel very invigorating! Don't be surprised if a friend asks to come along on the adventure. The more the merrier!

The Bottom Line

Be more expressive about your emotions than you typically are, today. Be vulnerable.
In Detail

Ugly emotions are burbling up inside you today, and it doesn't matter why -- you're feeling out of sorts, and you need to deal with these feelings by sharing them. Be more expressive about your emotions than you typically are. For example, if you are upset with someone, don't suppress it. Don't underestimate other people by assuming they will react negatively. They have a lot more empathy than you think, and they are ready to listen. Be vulnerable and tell them how you feel.

The Bottom Line

Don't rein in your instincts. If something doesn't seem right, then it isn't right.
In Detail

Don't rein in your instincts, today. If something doesn't seem right, then it isn't right. Even if you are in the middle of a business deal, you should listen to your gut if it tells you to walk away at the last minute. Your mind is tuned into the energies of other people very tightly today, and you will be able to sense when someone is lying through their teeth -- as they smile right at you and tell you that they're trying to help. This hyper-suspicious phase is going to be very brief.

The Bottom Line

Meeting people sometimes feels like a chore, but today it feels like an adventure.
In Detail

Meeting new people can sometimes feel like a chore, but today it will feel like an adventure when a distractingly fascinating person moves into your orbit. Before you engage in conversation, observe them for a while. Listen to what they say, how they say it, and how people react to it. This is a person who likes to be taken seriously, so you shouldn't send out any messages that you don't really stand behind. Go slowly with this one, and don't get caught up in the excitement.

The Bottom Line

You'll be moved more by facts and figures. You want to get stuff done, and you will.
In Detail

Today you'll be moved more by facts and figures than by tears or treacle. You're hungry for analytical thinking right now, and your mind wants to see things in black and white terms. You're willing to see the other side of an argument, but you're not going to give people credit for sob stories. Therefore, you will get along best with people who aren't interested in making small talk or being charming all day long. You are in the mood to get things done -- and you will.

The Bottom Line

Keep in mind that your friends have their own lives. It's time to give more space.
In Detail

Keep in mind that your friends have their own lives -- and be careful not to start getting too needy, right now. Yes, they have always been there to listen to your problems and encourage you, but try to handle some of your stuff on your own for a while. Not only is it good to learn to be more independent, but they will appreciate a little break. Blurring the line between friendship and therapy is never a wise idea. Avoid it at all costs to keep your friendships healthy.

The Bottom Line

Thanks to a recent accomplishment, you should be feeling much more confident today.
In Detail

Thanks to a recent accomplishment, you should be feeling much more confident! Today you'll get a great opportunity to gain more authority over your life and put some new ideas into play. Your independence is something you should savor -- go out for a solo date and treat yourself like royalty (or as much like royalty as you can comfortably afford). Luck will be on your side in terms of any upcoming travel plans. There won't be any delays, and you might even get a nice little upgrade!

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